An Introduction to Aether Physics
The Aether is the substance of Space.
The whole Universe is constructed of Aether. No other substance, eg. matter, exists.
Yes, this hypothesis takes quite some believing. But read on.
Reasons why should we believe in the Aether?
Here are seven common phenomena which Modern Physics cannot explain but are easily explained by the Aether:-
- The stars are physically separated by varying distances. By what?
- Gravity and the electric effects act across empty Space. How and what are they?
- The electric potentials of radiation must be supported at all points in Space. By what?
- The speed of light through Space is 299,792,458m/s. What determines this figure?
- What is Time?
- What causes velocity?
- How is velocity changed, ie. acceleration?
The History of the Aether
The great 19c physicists such as Faraday, Maxwell, Lorentz, Lodge, Lord Kelvin, and even Einstein, all believed in the Aether. Unfortunately they all made a mistake in determining its properties. They considered the magnetic effect to be a property of the Aether when in fact it is a derivative of the electic field.
Without knowing the correct properties of the Aether it is impossible to create a viable physics from it. Without an Aether physics objections to the Aether hypothesis could not be countered. Hence the Aether hypothesis fell into disrepute with the Physics establishment and unfortunately remains so today.
But now we know the correct properties of the Aether.
The Aether properties:-
- Space is a solid matrix (the Aether) of contiguous identical Aether particles (termed aethons).
- The density of aethons is a variable with respect to a more fundamental reference frame, the sub-Aether.
- No other substance exist other than the Aether and the sub-Aether.
- Aethon density is a function of Aether 'pressure' and vice-versa.
- The Aether exhibits a propagation velocity of pressure transients determined by its physical characteristics.
- In the static condition of the Aether each aethon takes up the average pressure of its neighbours.
Due to the innate difficuly of describing a substance so far removed from the material world the above list is neither definitive or exhaustive.
It can be seen that the Aether is very similar to a material substance, but constructed from aethons rather than atoms.
The internal pressure within the Aether we call the electric potential.
The propagation velocity of the Aether we call the gravitational potential.
Matter is constructed of atoms which in turn are constructed of a heavy nucleus orbited by electrons. The outer electron orbit determines the size of the atom. The total volume of the nucleus and electrons is about one million billionth of the volume of the atom. Thus matter is practically all Space.
According to the Aether hypothesis fundamental atomic particles must also be constructed of the Aether-- probably as some complexity of electric and gravitational potentials.
Thus matter moves as freely through the Aether as Light.
Both matter and energy are constructed of the potentials of the Aether. Thus all movement at the Aether level is at the speed of light and Time is then simply Aether distance traversed at the local propagation velocity.
Thus Time is not even a separate entity let alone a dimension.
Velocity and Acceleration
Nothing can determine the Aether velocity of fundamental mass particles (and hence of all matter) other than the internal structure of that particle.
The specific internal geometry of the rotating potentials therefore detrmines the degree and the direction of its Aether velocity. It therefore follows that the local gradient of the electric or gravitational potential modifies this internal geometry, and hence the particle velocity, as a function of the degree of gradient and the time exposure to it.
The Electric Field
Charged fundamental particles create an electric potential elevated above or below (positive and negative polarity) ambient to a fixed degree at constant radius.
The Aether properties determine that this potential is transmitted outwards from the charge to the contiguous Aether shell and from that shell to the next shell, ad infinitum, at the speed of light. It is thus calculated that the electric potential diminishes with inverse distance. Hence each charge is surrounded by an electric potential field.
But charges move through the Aether at velocities between zero and just below the speed of light. Thus a charge moves through its own expanding electric field. The dimensions of the field of a moving charge are readily related to the field of a stationary charge. This relationship happens to be the famous Lorentz Transforms (LT) equations.
From a consideration of the electric fields within the atom it can be shown that the LT eqns. equally apply to the dimensions of bulk matter.
The Lorentz Transform eqns. predict that:-
Matter contracts in the direction of its Aether velocity, Time runs slower and Mass increases -- all as a function of Aether velocity.
The famous equation E = mc2 is derived by the standard method.
The Effects of Aether Velocity
The measuring rods and clocks of an observer are affected by their Aether velocity such that the observer obtains a distorted measure of the Universe.
This distorted measure is his inertial reference frame (IRF).
If an observer measures the length of any body, the body and the measuring rod are equally length contracted. So no matter what their Aether velocity the measure is always identical. No matter how complex the measurement or how complex the apparatus or which characteristic is being measured, the effect of Aether velocity can never be determined. The Michelson-Morley experiment is one famous example.
Aether theory predicts a null result and a null result is always obtained.
The Aether Universe is Lorentz Invariant.
It is a simple task to construct an Aether Theory of Relativity from the Lorentz Transform equations.
The Aether theory of Relativity predicts identical effects to that of Special Relativity -- but only for inertial bodies -- to which Special Relativity is restricted by its postulates.
But no body in the Universe is inertial, thus SR does not apply to any real body and so applies to nothing.
On the other hand Aether Relativity intrinsically applies to non-inertial (real) bodies. This is a huge success for the Aether hypothesis.
Other theories
Aether theories of gravity, magnetism, cosmic expansion, Dark Matter also derive from the Aether properties. These theories offer substantial improvements on their non-Aether counterparts.